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FF8. I have it running right now on my Switch, just to farm items like ribbons and friendships. I'm still hoping to get a mogs amulet one of these days, as that's the only item I have never gotten in the game. Until the remaster was released I had never gotten a friendship or ribbon. I was going nuts trying to figure out what a ribbon did, because nowhere online or in any guide that I could find did it say what they did. It was always just "GF Learns Ribbon Ability". Yeah that tells me a lot. I even went so far as to buy a couple Pocket Stations so that I could get them, because as far as the discs on the PS1 go, that's literally the only way to get them. It took forever to get the things since they were only released in Japan. But about 6 months later the remaster hit the market, and everything was obtainable now.

YOU DIRTY BAST.....ions of bureaucracy.šŸ˜


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The last game I played was Prince of Persia The Sands of Time Ps2 version and I am playing it on my Android smartphone šŸ˜› So, Basically, I was getting bored in the lockdown and I came to know that you can play playstation 2 games on your Android Smartphone. I simply installed the ps2 emulator and added the rom of POP The Sands of time and started playing it. My father bought me a ps2 when I was little and I used to play a lot of games on it. So, it is more like a nostalgic experience.

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I haven't been playing much, but I got my nephew to try out Alan Wake for the first time, and I think he's in love with it. So when he comes over, I watch him play some Alan Wake. Other than that, I played a bit of THPS 1+2 remastered. Closing in on 100% for both sides. And once I am fully upgraded, I'm going to take my guy online and see how I do against everyone else. šŸ˜„Ā 

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