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What the heck!!! I downloaded Watch Dogs 2 and the whole time a large warning screen keeps popping up saying I lost internet connectivity. It keeps doing that over and over. I ended up having to turn the network off so the screen no longer pops up while I'm trying to play the game. But with the internet turned off, I can't access any online activities. WTF was Ubisoft thinking. What a flop. 

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I've never played a Call of Duty game (surprising right?) so I googled to find out the best rated CoD of all time. Found that Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (2007) is the best rated game from the franchise till now. Although I know its an old game, I still downloaded and got it installed. Will start playing it soon and hopefully if I like it, I'll play the new ones as well. 🙂 Any suggestions on which one I should play next?

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How do you treat sore thumbs?

We are on break for the festive season already, so yesterday I played different games throughout. NFS, Winning Eleven, GTA…

Later in the night I felt pain on my right thumb, and it’s quite sensitive. I can barely use it to do anything till this present moment. 
Has it happened to you before? How does it heal quickly?

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26 minutes ago, Kennysplash said:

How do you treat sore thumbs?

We are on break for the festive season already, so yesterday I played different games throughout. NFS, Winning Eleven, GTA…

Later in the night I felt pain on my right thumb, and it’s quite sensitive. I can barely use it to do anything till this present moment. 
Has it happened to you before? How does it heal quickly?


I think you're going to have to review how you hold your controller because unless your doing something wrong, that really shouldn't happen.


As for how to treat it, just rest and consider taking pain and/or anti-inflammatory medication.

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On 10/1/2023 at 6:01 AM, Debashis said:

I've never played a Call of Duty game (surprising right?) so I googled to find out the best rated CoD of all time. Found that Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (2007) is the best rated game from the franchise till now. Although I know its an old game, I still downloaded and got it installed. Will start playing it soon and hopefully if I like it, I'll play the new ones as well. 🙂 Any suggestions on which one I should play next?

As far as I can tell, most older release of Call of Duty video games are more better than the recent ones. I can't even say any good thing about the last release Call of Duty Modern Warfare III. Black Ops 2 is always going to be my favourite and it's what I would recommend. 

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So State of Play is tonight, I believe. Rumours indicate that Until Dawn is returning, but the Silent Hill series ought to be shown too.

Konami really hasn't been putting out a great deal of anything of note on the games, despite the remake of 2 and other projects being announced in the fall a few years back. But they decided to slag off that 'Ascension' garbage recently with an amusing, "It's trauma" merchandise line. So even Konami knows it totally sucks balls. And that's certainly saying something.

Maybe be careful as to who gets to use your IP the next time, huh? 

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On 1/31/2024 at 8:04 AM, Knight Plug said:

So State of Play is tonight, I believe. Rumours indicate that Until Dawn is returning, but the Silent Hill series ought to be shown too.

Konami really hasn't been putting out a great deal of anything of note on the games, despite the remake of 2 and other projects being announced in the fall a few years back. But they decided to slag off that 'Ascension' garbage recently with an amusing, "It's trauma" merchandise line. So even Konami knows it totally sucks balls. And that's certainly saying something.

Maybe be careful as to who gets to use your IP the next time, huh? 

For those who didn't get to follow up on the PlayStation State of Play. Have fun! It was an interesting one. 15 games were shown but unfortunately there was nothing about upcoming Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, but from update, it's going to be having it's own reveal show on February 6th, 2024. 



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I thought it was nice of Konami to just drop a new game for free. It shows they are trying to make up for their past misdeeds, and all people can do is forgive or forget about the ill-fated Hideo Kojima era. Unfortunately, yeah. So many gamers are still throwing dirt at them, some 10 years later after Konami chose to cancel Silent Hills.

I really thought as a game with no cost, it was well worth the long wait to have this spin off Silent Hill: The Short Message setting up exciting future titles. You definitely feel the spirit of P.T. in the game as you are caught by the monster and sent kicking back to the last checkpoint. Sure, it technically isn't really about the town of Silent Hill any more in a sense, because the story is set in Germany, I believe. But all the same, other games have taken place elsewhere in the timeline in the past as well.

Silent Hill is back... with a vengeance!

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On 3/10/2024 at 12:04 PM, Dismal_Bliss said:

Stellar Blade and Death Stranding 2 look like they are going to be great games!

I am currently playing FF7 Rebirth. It's AMAZING!

I hope they make Death Stranding 2's story less complicated and I agree that Stellar Blade looks promising. The gameplay trailer two weeks again was pretty good.

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On 4/15/2024 at 11:10 PM, killamch89 said:

I hope they make Death Stranding 2's story less complicated and I agree that Stellar Blade looks promising. The gameplay trailer two weeks again was pretty good.

Yeah, I was completely impressed with the gameplay trailer of Stellar Blade. I didn't expect it to be that good but I was proved wrong. The developers did a great job with it. 

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On 4/29/2024 at 2:42 AM, killamch89 said:

I played some Dying Light 2 with some gaming buddies and honestly, it's one of the most underrated Co-op experiences around. I love the strategic puzzles where you all have to co-ordinate your movements to solve it.

Dying Light 2 : Stay Human is a very good survival horror game that I also love playing so much. I also love the adventure part of the game, it brings so much to it. 


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Well, I happened to hear another rumour from "Dusk Golem" - this time stating that RE0 and CV are next in line for remakes and not RE1 as previously suggested. 

To be honest, I cannot be bothered to whine about it. I'm naturally not excited, giving how Capcom is just churning out cash grabs now, that are cheesy, missing certain enemy types, and look dull and soulless. So very sad.

Don't feel so sure? Just check out the 2020 RE3 remake. It's a travesty.

Anyway, RE9 is supposedly far off. Dusk is now indicating 2025 or 26, but he seems to be feeling apologetic for any confusion he may have caused. 


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