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The Blackangel

Another School Shooting Today

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On 2/27/2020 at 9:44 AM, The Blackangel said:

It's a scapegoat because they want to blame social programs like welfare for the downfall of society and the cause for crimes. They say it's an excuse to stay on the government titty, so you don't have to work, and can then do whatever you want with your free time. All the while they look the other way when asked to help change things and say "It's not my problem. Make them fix it." They blame others for the problems that we all face, but when the time comes for them to take action they're not the ones to fix the problem, someone else is. Then when there's not enough to fix it, they start up the bitching again. Always looking for someone else to blame.

I think a big problem is job discrimination.  Like for instance, these blacks I know in this rural county can't get jobs - probably cause they're black.

However, though, outside the rural white areas - they can get jobs - yet many blacks are on welfare anyway.   However, though, what percentage of blacks - assuming they're outside of prison are on welfare?  Actually, it's not the majority - but it is true a huge percentage of the prison population is black.

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To put it simply, it's racism in the judicial and political system. Minorities aren't given the same opportunities and respect that most whites are given. I'm white, and I grew up at the bottom of the barrel. So I was never given any real chances either. But if the choices were me, a black person, and a Hispanic person, I would be the one that got the opportunity, whether I deserved it or not.

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On 2/19/2020 at 10:24 AM, The Blackangel said:

On one hand, I can understand why they do it. If you're bullied incessantly, at some point you're gonna snap. I remember beating the shit out of kids due to bullying in school before I dropped out my Junior year. The bullying I went through was relentless. But I never took a gun to school and shot up the place.

On the other hand, when that person snaps, they may go the other way. Instead of leaving the situation, they try to kill it. That's what war is all about. I'll support a justified war. But something like this, I look down on it with disgust. Murder is so generic and uncreative. Where's the art? Where's the creativity? Do something that will be unique and worthy of being remembered. Don't take the lazy way. If you are going to take the lazy way, then you kill the offending persons FAMILY not them. Make them live with the knowledge that their actions caused their loved ones to die. That's more of a punishment then killing the person that hurt you.

I doubt if anti-bullying programs work - cause all bullying is about chicken-phobia (coward-phobia) - and that's something that goes on in all cultures - with little chance of stopping.  It's kind of like a prison - where you have to prove yourself.  Well, that's why there is so much interest in being good at sports (in-school) and also pressure to rebel against authority: being a dare-devil, class-clown (in-school).

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Anti-bullying programs have never worked, and never will work. The authority figures always side with the bullies, so the ones being bullied are shit out of luck. It's why there is so much suicide amongst teenagers. I tried to kill myself repeatedly when I was in high school. Unfortunately I wasn't successful. So I ended up dropping out halfway into my junior year.

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8 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

Anti-bullying programs have never worked, and never will work. The authority figures always side with the bullies, so the ones being bullied are shit out of luck. It's why there is so much suicide amongst teenagers. I tried to kill myself repeatedly when I was in high school. Unfortunately I wasn't successful. So I ended up dropping out halfway into my junior year.

Well, at least your free, though.  Now I'm in a marriage I don't want (very bad match) - so the thoughts are real.  I mean, at the least, you don't have to deal with that.

Anyway, you say you are handicapped.  Is that why you're targeted?

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It’s adult onset muscular dystrophy. I didn’t end up in the wheelchair until a few years ago. I was bullied because I was that one kid that the whole school hated, staff included. Eventually I ended up beating the shit out of kids when they tried their shit. It didn’t help the situation, but it made me feel better. When you’re bullied mercilessly, you end up lashing out in one way or another. I lashed out with my fists and whatever I could pick up. I broke my cousins skull with a 5 pound iron weight in the weight room. He was one of the worst bullies. His family was pissed but when I started shooting at them with my slingshot they backed down.

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On 2/29/2020 at 4:27 PM, The Blackangel said:

It’s adult onset muscular dystrophy. I didn’t end up in the wheelchair until a few years ago. I was bullied because I was that one kid that the whole school hated, staff included. Eventually I ended up beating the shit out of kids when they tried their shit. It didn’t help the situation, but it made me feel better. When you’re bullied mercilessly, you end up lashing out in one way or another. I lashed out with my fists and whatever I could pick up. I broke my cousins skull with a 5 pound iron weight in the weight room. He was one of the worst bullies. His family was pissed but when I started shooting at them with my slingshot they backed down.

It never helps the situation - because nobody is impressed when anyone fights back.  School-kids only like jocks, daredevils (people who pull the fire alarm etc..).  However, the daredevils going against the bullies isn't what they want.  They want someone going against authority - like in a prison.  Like this one kid didn't like me in school - until I wrote some nasty thing on a math teacher's projector board.

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