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Games with steepest learning curves?

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I was reading this thread from @mont86 about how long it takes to learn a new game, and it made me think of a related question.

A lot of games for me are "dive right in" games where once I figure out the controls, I'm good to go pretty much the same day, and a couple days later, it feels natural to play. But some games definitely have a really steep learning curve. I never got through the learning curve with Souls, for example.

What games have you played which you felt had the steepest learning curves? Were any so steep you gave up?

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Assassins Creed definitely. It's the reason I have initially hated it. But I have picked up the first 3 so when I feel up to it, I'm going to start trying it again. Also trying to learn those special moves in Twilight Princess was always a major pain in the ass, and is what made me rate it as one of the worst Zelda games, in my personal opinion.

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Years ago for Nintendo and super Nintendo I would grind it out.. And after non playing for 20 years and back into fps games , these new games are so expansive, that I like to get ahead of the curve.. Also want to add that gaming is a great way to stay engaged and watch a monitor.. LOL


I know I didn't really answer the question, but I wanted to have a responsed.

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19 hours ago, The Blackangel said:

Assassins Creed definitely. It's the reason I have initially hated it. But I have picked up the first 3 so when I feel up to it, I'm going to start trying it again. Also trying to learn those special moves in Twilight Princess was always a major pain in the ass, and is what made me rate it as one of the worst Zelda games, in my personal opinion.

Really ? I felt like assassins creed was too easy, as well as Twilight princess.

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11 minutes ago, The Blackangel said:

Going through the training bullshit at the beginning of the game is what turned me off from it.

Oh yeah the unskippable tutorials on every game are awful and AC 3 has the worst of it, you have to go through the tutorial again after an hour already into the game.

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