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Gaming and social anxiety

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While reflecting on this post and reading responses from @LadyDay and @The Blackangel, I noted that some of us are turned off by the idea of gaming with a lot of strangers. Well, I actually am fine with it in short, controlled bursts in FPS games, and I never minded it when I played MUDs. But nowadays, I almost exclusively play single player.

The reason is that I want to relax at night, and the social aspect of multiplayer games is just too exhausting. Plus, I have moderate social anxiety, and I just feel a heightened state of agitation when I know other people are in my game.

At the same time, I can say that playing MUDs actually helped with my social challenges in high school. I always expressed myself better in writing than with speech, and I found it easier to interact and take on leadership roles in the game than I did at school, plus I had more in common with my fellow gamers online than a lot of people I knew offline.

Does anyone here have any sort of social anxiety or social challenges? Do you find that single and/or multiplayer gaming helps with these issues?



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I have severe social anxiety. I've never even tried to play games with or against strangers. I wouldn't dare to. For some reason I'm completely comfortable with forums, such as this, where I can communicate in writing, at my own pace, but I'd be completely paralyzed if I tried to play games with complete strangers. Walking down the street is challenge enough. I can't imagine these games helping with my anxiety unfortunately.

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