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Play as Jesus. No joke.

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Developer SimulaM, creator of classics such as Car Mechanic Simulator 2018, has announced a new game where you play as Jesus. Doing his Jesusy stuff...



Now, before we dismiss this, just think about it.


Video games are created as an entertainment media made to empower the player. Whether it be lifting the Champions League in FIFA, or slaying the mighty dragon in Skyrim, all good games exist to make the player feel lke they are more than what they are and believe they can be. Playing as Jesus? Playing literally as God? Performing miracles and creating an influence so important that it would become foundation of modern civilization itself? That has got to be the most empowering concept ever! A game with potential as limitless as the power of the great deities! And... log it all as Polaroids in your journal... just like Jesus did... potential!




...or maybe...



...just maybe...



...this game is fucking stupid.

Edited by Shagger
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I'm not a fan of religion. But I imagine most aren't going to take this game very serious anyway. And if anything I imagine my deeply religious family would find it very inappropriate. 

I'm mostly just rolling my eyes and having a chuckle.

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