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Tips for fighting in the Mako in Mass Effect?

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I’ve been having trouble using the Mako tank in Mass Effect. I’ve been getting by okay, but it has been very much flying by the seat of my pants rather than actually figuring out what I am doing. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to get away with that.

My first question about this vehicle concerns pressing the “x” button (I think). This lifts the vehicle off the ground, but to what purpose? I have tried it in conjunction with going over bumps, turning, etc. All it does is make me lose further control of the vehicle? It seems like a completely useless function, but I don't know why it would be there unless it has some viable purpose.

My next question involves the guns. The larger gun that you can use to send the occasional slow blast does well, but I swear the other gun doesn’t even deal any damage, even when my aim appears good. I usually end up running over targets repeatedly to kill them, and I don’t think this is by design (though it is pretty funny, I have to admit). Is there is something I am not getting about how to fire correctly while in the vehicle?

Finally, does this vehicle not auto-repair slowly with time the way character health does? Or am I just not waiting long enough for it to come back? It seems like all damage is permanent if you don’t apply Medi-Gel. I try driving away and getting out of the combat zone, but if the vehicle is on fire, for example, it remains on fire. So when I run out of the repair kits, I have to just start over.

Any replies appreciated.

@Alyxx You were helpful with combat tips, so I thought I'd see if you have any suggestions.

Edited by StaceyPowers
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