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Do you think backwards compatibility may become more available in the future?

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For years it has seemed (to me at least) as if console companies have done their best to push gamers forward, always encouraging us to buy new games, and to do that, they have encouraged us to stop playing our old games by not supporting a lot in the way of backwards compatibility.

I’ve never thought that this was a great business model, and neglects the fact that most of us are going to continue to try to find ways to play our old games if possible while still purchasing new games.

I know that Microsoft has been better in this respect than Sony for a while. I never upgraded to a PS4 because of the lack of backwards compatibility with PS3 games.

But I have noticed a change in tone lately from Sony and Microsoft both (particularly Sony). Both companies seem to be moving more and more in the direction of increasing backwards compatibility, and they seem less “grudging” about it.

But I could be wrong in all this, and it might just be my perception.

Do you all think that backwards compatibility is going to become a bigger deal going forward, and that it will be more available? Or do you think that Sony and Microsoft will continue hoping that we’ll lose interest in our old platform games?

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Yeah, but with everything turning into digital downloads, backwards compatibility won't be an issue. You just pick the game you want, whether it's 30 days old or 30 years old, and download it. Some will download it to remember the "good ol' days" and others will download it out of curiosity. 20 years from now some college freshman may get curios as to what the hell Q*Bert is and download it. 20 years after that, another college freshman may get curious as to what the hell Skyrim is and download that. They won't even know what a PS4, Xbox One, or Nintendo Switch is. They probably won't even know what PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo even means. Their only knowledge will be different companies putting out games they can download on to their gaming storage unit. But by then it will also most likely be a Ready Player One situation. These are sad times. Be ready to be dinosaurs people.

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