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Joshua Farrell

Which games you have spent the most on?

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There is a game on mobile called Clash Royale that I have spent around £200 on over 4 years (I know how stupid it sounds), I don't regret it though; I've had great memories on that game although I could do with some of that money right about now. I've also spent around £50 on Fortnite, which I actually do regret because I never really liked Fortnite now that I think of it lol.

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The most I've ever spent on a game was over $80 for a sports video game. Now I usually wait until the season is mid season or the season is over because then the game price goes down about 40 to 50 dollars.

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The most I spent on a game was for NASCAR Racing 2 for the PC.  I had a cheap wheel and pedal setup, but I ended up switching to the Gravis Blackhawk joystick.  I spent six years playing NR2 and I got a top 10 in NASCAR points and a few wins before I ground up my joystick.

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