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Have you ever been banned?

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Have you ever received an official ban from a game? Or maybe from servers for the game? If so, what was the game and how long was you banned? What was the reason?

The only bans I have ever had were about swearing in Counter Strike 1.6 servers back in the time. I got really mad and started to curse which resulted into several one-day long bans. Not really a big think.

Edited by Keranov
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Technically yes, my League of Legends account got a soft ban a few years ago. It was the only day that I gave my account to a friend to play a few silver game with his girlfriend. The chat log Riot sent me to justify the soft ban was so amusing. This guy gave everything he had on that chat 😄

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I remember there was a game on Facebook that I used to play with a group of friends (the name escapes me now) but it was a game were you built bases and attacked other bases and such and it was a ton of fun. I remember I had been playing for a good few months and one day I logged into my account to check my stuff and play for a little and I was greeted with a "You have been banned" message and a little message below that said "(Name of company) takes cheating very seriously". Let's just say that I am not one for cheating and it was a little later that I found out that they'd had problems with accounts getting hacked and they were cheating. I disputed my case and they were having non of it so I never bothered to go back after that.

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Worse than banned, blacklisted. I was resigned staff on a Minecraft Server and they gave me a VIP rank to show there recognition.  A few years later a head admin questioned why I have the rank, and removed it. I argued with him through web chat and he banned me from the forum, server and Discord (IP ban!). Never been banned in-game apart from this situation, I don't believe in modding or hacking and I try to follow the server rules so I can continue my enjoyment video gaming.

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23 hours ago, XXInfectedXx said:

Worse than banned, blacklisted. I was resigned staff on a Minecraft Server and they gave me a VIP rank to show there recognition.  A few years later a head admin questioned why I have the rank, and removed it. I argued with him through web chat and he banned me from the forum, server and Discord (IP ban!). Never been banned in-game apart from this situation, I don't believe in modding or hacking and I try to follow the server rules so I can continue my enjoyment video gaming.

Didn't you contact the owner? If you did, what did he say for this situation? This is a really bad thing to happen to a former staff, sorry to hear man.

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6 minutes ago, Keranov said:

Didn't you contact the owner? If you did, what did he say for this situation? This is a really bad thing to happen to a former staff, sorry to hear man.

The Ban History on Pika-Network is here. As you can see I was unbanned by DutchminerHD, but then I got blacklisted once again. The founder is inactive and only ever use to visit the server every few weeks.Yet, regarding my complaint TheBearKingHD replied and closed it and then proceeded to ban me. The complaint was replied by TheBearKingHD! The person who banned me. 

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Ever dealt with Cafe mods, some cafes are so strict. I was once kicked for walking up to a counter and not ordering immediately. Best yet, if you dress up a suit they'll tell you to take it off. I stopped playing cafes after so many over the top bans and kicks.

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On 7/13/2018 at 6:37 PM, Keranov said:

Have you ever received an official ban from a game? Or maybe from servers for the game? If so, what was the game and how long was you banned? What was the reason?

The only bans I have ever had were about swearing in Counter Strike 1.6 servers back in the time. I got really mad and started to curse which resulted into several one-day long bans. Not really a big think.

A day ban isn't that bad.. It's something that can normally happen to anyone especially when things get out of hand. 

I have never been banned or anything. I dread that happening to me. 

Edited by Boblee
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