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Do you listen to regular soundtracks when you game, or do you play your own music?

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I’m with @ARx182, when I’m playing a game, I’ve got to be “in the game” if that makes sense. 99% of the time, I just have what the music/audio of the game has to offer. When I play my own music, it tends to distract me. Everyone’s different, though, I guess.

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I tend to watch DVD's or Hulu/Netflix/Amazon Prime on my computer when I get bored with YouTube. I have a small 19" TV beside it that my Xbox One, PS3, NES/SNES/N64 are all hooked up to, so I can game and watch pretty much anything. I also have a shitload of music on my comp as well.

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99% of the time I will listen to the original soundtrack. The only times I won’t is if the game cycled between the same sounds over and over again (ex; WoW/RS). Otherwise I find the music in game to match more on what is going on 

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It sort of depends on how much I've played the game in question. If I'm still relatively new to the game and the soundtrack is also new to me, I'll listen to that. But once I've gotten more than like 500 hours in a single game, odds are I'm sick of the soundtrack. I still need the in-game audio thought, apart from the soundtrack. So I'll usually go into settings and shut off just the music, keeping the sound effects on and dialogue and stuff on. Then I might put on my own music, depending on how much concentration the game does or doesn't require.

But, to be honest, if I'm over 500 hours into a game, odds are I can probably play it in my sleep at that point lol

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On 3/11/2020 at 1:13 AM, The Blackangel said:

Typically I watch TV while I game. I don’t play music when I game on average.

I don't see the reason why I should be listening to any other thing when I'm playing. How can I focus on the game? 

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On 2/7/2021 at 7:27 AM, Syntax said:

99% of the time I will listen to the original soundtrack. The only times I won’t is if the game cycled between the same sounds over and over again (ex; WoW/RS). Otherwise I find the music in game to match more on what is going on 

Yeah, that would be the only exception for me to opt for another music source while playing a particular game. 

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