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Joshua Farrell

Warcraft 3 Reforged

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I heard that Blizzard decided to try out their hands at modernizing Warcraft 3, since they had some success with StarCraft and StarCraft: Brood War. Have any of you jumped on the bandwagon and bought the reforged edition, or are you like me, and don't know if it will be a good purchase, because of other reasons?

I haven't gotten it yet, as I want to see if they can weed out settings that they haven't fixed completely. I know with the remastered StarCraft, they had quite a few issues in it, that took them over a year or so to fix.

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Have you just been ignoring the giant Elefant in the corner?  This game has been a PR disaster for Blizzard, right at the point when a PR disaster is the last thing Blizzard needed after the "blitzchung" controversy.  It currently holds the lowest rated user score in the history of Metacritic for a number of good reasons.


The quality of the game itself was, not entirely the reason for the backlash itself (it playes little different from the original).  It's that before the game released they promised a whole raft of features like new cinematic style cutscenes that they didn't deliver.  On top of that there connectivity issues which were compounded by the fact that even old players who never bought the reforged edition couldn't use the original launcher after the update, henceforth had the same issues.


The worst thing though was the changes to the user agreement which basically killed the modding community for the game to protect their bottom line.


The whole fiasco has been a long continuation of Blizzard giving it's fans because the middle finger and frankly... that is exactly what they deserve.  When Overwatch came out everyone showered it with endless praise despite it bring a loot box casino whorehouse and we are all now suffering the consequences for Overwatch popularizing the format in mainstream, paid console and PC AAA games .


Thank you Blizzard fans, Warcraft 3 Reforged is the present that YOU created by never calling this company out on any of their bullshit in the past... ENJOY!

Edited by Crazycrab
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Well, I expected something of the like, seeing how they ended up creating issues after issues with StarCraft's multiplayer scene, which made me curious. When I last checked the forum for the game, I saw a bunch of threads from people that were annoyed. Didn't read them, due to not having the time this past couple of weeks to just sit and read, since family was over.

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