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Favorite Horror Movies

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I have to add some more.


The Ninth Gate

Nightmare On Elm Street (series)

Hellraiser (series)

Sweeny Todd

The Gravedancers

The Prophecy

Pet Sematary (original)


Sometimes They Come Back


These two are technically not horror movies, but I feel they deserve an honorable mention.


Sleepy Hollow


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  On 2/6/2021 at 11:30 PM, JennyorAlice said:

I like the Halloween movies with Michael Myers in them.  Those are my favorites. 

I have "IT" on dvd but I haven't watched it yet because I'm in the middle of reading the book at the moment.


Typically, I always advise people to either read the book, OR see the movie, but not both. It's been my experience that the movies always alter the story enough that watching them and reading the books will just piss you off. Or if there's a book written off of a movie, same thing.

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