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Covid 19 as a Chinese Bio-Weapon

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Especially with the Trump narrative going on, people tend to believe that COVID19 is a human engineered virus. On reality however, scientists have proved beyond doubt that it is not a laboratory product but a natural pathogen. 

However, after the spread, what we find that countries are using to their geopolitical agenda. It is also used as a economical weapon from the global fund pool. 

Summing up,

Manmade? No

Weaponized? Yes. 

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I believe Chinese people are human beings too. I don't think they can use that as a bio weapon to fight the world, cause people from different nations do business with them. Hopefully we pray for a better vaccine to cure it completely. 

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On 12/15/2020 at 12:47 PM, bomb said:

I believe Chinese people are human beings too. I don't think they can use that as a bio weapon to fight the world, cause people from different nations do business with them. Hopefully we pray for a better vaccine to cure it completely. 

The CCP wants to weaken the US.  It's documented.  Well, it's obvious because the USA is the rival and since China has many times the USA population it feels to should be the top nation.  Anyway, the virus being in Wuhan which "happens to be (how convienent)" where a bio-weapon research place is located, well, that's just too much a "giveaway".

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