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Do you prefer followers who engage in melee or ranged combat?

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What is your preferred combat style for your followers in games like Fallout or Skyrim? Whether I am a ranged or melee combatant, I always seem to prefer ranged fighters who don’t get in my way and are less likely to get themselves killed.

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34 minutes ago, kingpotato said:

I use my followers as distraction, when fighting a dragon or a draughr  I always pick the ones that are good at close combat while I use a bow or I engage with double swords

That's actually a damn good battle strategy. I never would have thought of it. Thank you @kingpotato!!!!

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On 5/10/2020 at 3:11 AM, Crazycrab said:

When I play Skyrim I use the Bow as my primary, sneaking and picking them off from a distance.  I therefore tend to have followers that do the opposite, charge forward and close the distance with Melee while I continue to pick them off.

This is similar to how I play in Fallout New Vegas with the hunting rifle, although I have found it works best if I have another ranged character doing the same (i.e. me and Boone both picking everyone off from a million miles away).

On 5/15/2020 at 6:29 AM, kingpotato said:

I use my followers as distraction, when fighting a dragon or a draughr  I always pick the ones that are good at close combat while I use a bow or I engage with double swords

This is pretty much what I do in Skyrim as well, but I use atronachs for this rather than followers; with followers, I still prefer them to be ranged so I don’t accidentally hack at them with my axe when I dive into the fray.

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