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Has anyone won a game of poker in RDR without cheating?

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On 6/9/2020 at 3:50 PM, The Blackangel said:

I've won a few hands, but not quite bankrupted the others. My strategy was to keep pouring whiskey down their throats, while I stayed sober. After a bit they're so damn drunk they couldn't have hit the ground with their hat in 3 tries.

Wow, I had no idea that in RDR 2 you can get your opponents drunk—I don’t think that’s a thing in the first game (though I haven’t tried cheating, so I don’t know what form that takes). Without cheating, I have a small net loss across many, many hands of poker, but I have yet to beat everyone at a table.


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1 minute ago, The Blackangel said:

The game I'm referring to is the one at the station that the reverend got wasted at. I sat down there and let them drink all they wanted. After they were "titty much protally fitshaced", I beat them in every hand.

Eventually I will find out what you are talking about. I am still playing the original RDR, and won’t be able to play RDR2 until I have a system that can handle it (I am waiting to grab a PS5 since it should be able to play PS4 games).

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My girl has a couple PS4's that we play on. She bought a second one specifically for RDR2, since it requires so much hard drive space, and she didn't want anything else on there to potentially slow it down. She wanted to try out the first RDR so I gave her one of my PS3's to download it on. She says it's ok (I haven't seen it yet) but it's nothing compared to RDR2.

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