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The Blackangel

Endless Fables: Dark Moor

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@Shagger @Crazycrab I'm tagging you guys, because if I remember correctly you live in Scotland, so I thought you might be especially interested in this one. As someone with the vast majority of their heritage being Scottish Celt, I know I am.

I came across this game looking at upcoming games in the eShop, and thought it should get a mention. It takes place in Scotland. It's currently going for $14.99 USD (£11.95/€13.34). Here's a few screen shots about it.






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Found the game on Steam. What's immediately very weird is that is a part of series of "Endless Fable" games (I think there's 4 of them at this point, this being number 3), but it appears this Switch listing ditches the sequel tag completely. Maybe they don't intend to bring the other games to the Switch.

It doesn't look like anything special, just point and click adventure/horror game with puzzles. It's got mixed reviews on Steam, so that's a good sign and is lower rated than the other Endless Fable titles. The Scottish setting does grant an extra point for me, but from I can about the story it could have been set pretty much anywhere and doesn't really connect to the setting in a very meaningful way.

Overall, I'm not really interested in it, but that shouldn't put you off if you like the look of it.

I'll add the trailer in here in just in case you wanna take a look.



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