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The Blackangel

What's your favorite home console?

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For this I'm excluding PC and mobile.

I want to see what console everyone's favorite is and why. I don't mean generalized" or "Xbox". Be specific. Like Xbox 360, or PS3. Maybe Game Cube or Sega Dreamcast. if it's a home console, it's in the running. Do you like Jaguar? 3DO? Atari 7200? Xbox? PS2?

I would say my favorite is and will always be the NES. I'm partial to 8 bit graphics, and the games were always so unique on the system. You rarely saw a sequel, unless it was a huge franchise. There are so many games that range from every genre you can think of. Some were mixed genres, and others simply didn't fit any genre at all. If you can tell me what genre Marble Madness fit in, and make a plausible point as to why, then you're a hell of a lot smarter than I am.

You don't see a lot of unique games anymore like we did on the NES. It's all sequels to sequels to sequels. I get that some franchises are huge, and the fans of that franchise want more of it. I get that. But I just wish someone would put out a truly unique game, like they did back in the NES era. So many games are ripoffs of others.


But anyway, the NES will always be number 1 for me.





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Mine's probably the PS4. It may not have had as many must-have 10/10 games made for it as older consoles (The era of must-have games kinda ended with gen 7), but the sheer volume of great games made for it is beyond any other console I've had. Plus, it ended up getting ports of a lot of my favorite games from past generations.

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The PS2 was my favorite home console as I had so many great games for it including the original DMC, PRimal, Ratchet & Clank, Jack & Daxter, Need For Speed Most Wanted, GTA San Andreas, VIce city among other magnificent titles. Truly a masterpiece of its time.

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PlayStation 2 simply because there were far more Co-Op games to be played amongst friends. I'm actually considering buying a power cord for my slim so me and the lady friend can game it up. We currently jam mario on her homebrewed Wii. N64 comes in a close second though just because it was my first real game console. So many good memories

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That's a tough one, because I was born into playing the NES growing up. But then I got a Sega Genesis, a PS1, PS2 and then a 360. But if I had to choose, it would be the NES, because I have a lot more nostalgia for it. But the PS1 comes in second because of more nostalgia there, then the PS2, 360 and so on. But yeah, it's weird to see how far my console tastes have gone. From Nintendo to Sony to Microsoft, and now to PC. One of these days I'll get the new consoles lol. 

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I grew up with the XBox/XBox 360 console, but I've gravitated towards the PS4/PS5 in recent years. The one I've used most often in recent months though is the Switch for playing The House in Fata Morgana alone. Still haven't really used this more than once a week or even once every two weeks due to the existence of my PC.

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I like this question and it has really got me thinking about all the consoles I have had in the past from growing up with my siblings to now living in my own home. I remember when I was younger, me and my brothers first console was the Sega Master System and I loved that system, that was my very first console and I always remember playing Alex the Kidd on that, it was a built-in game in the console and was a ton of fun. I have so many memories of playing Alex the Kidd with my cousin who helped me out with all the rock, paper, scissors games to be able to complete the game.

The next console we all got after the Sega Master System was the Super Nintendo and this was my favorite console. I absolutely loved the Mario Games on the Super Nintendo but one game that really does ring out to me that I played so much of as a kid and my Mum would join in and play with us on, that was Yoshi's Island. It was such a fun game and I loved how Yoshi was the one taking care of baby Mario throughout the whole game.

Turn to now and Xbox is the console I use the most at the moment and it is one of my favorites but if I could go back to the Super Nintendo I most definitely would in a heartbeat.

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  On 10/28/2022 at 10:21 PM, Shortie said:

if I could go back to the Super Nintendo I most definitely would in a heartbeat.


What's stopping you? I play on mine all the time. I'm a classic gamer and play systems from the N64 back. Yes I do have a PS5, but it's mostly for RDR2. I have several PS4 games I play on that, but don't touch it anywhere near as much as I play my NES, SNES, N64, PS1, Sega Genesis, Atari 2600, and Game Boy.

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