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U.S. Video Game Sales Set Record Second Quarter, Spurred By Pandemic

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Article Source - Forbes

Video games and consoles are selling like crazy, and it's all thanks to the pandemic. With more people home, and some collecting unemployment, people are buying more games then ever. Supposedly the gaming industry made $11.6 billion between April and June of this year. That's crazy! 

Have you found yourself buying more games as of late? Or have you maybe even slowed down? 

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I’ve definitely been buying more games than normal. I’ve bought so many DDL’s that I haven’t even gotten around to playing them all yet. That’s really out of character for me. But at least I have a good selection saved up. And I have just over $100 on my Nintendo eShop account, so I can buy any game that catches my eye. Hopefully I don’t buy anymore games until I play some that I already have.

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