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The Blackangel

Hatred on Switch?

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I’ve been seeing articles and reports saying that Hatred is going to be released on Switch some time this year. Has anyone else seen this? At the moment the only place to get the game is on Steam. I have it there, but if I could get it portable, I would love it. I’m hoping these reports aren’t bunk, but I’m not sure whether I should put any hope in this.

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I find this unlikely. Hatred is I think one of only two or three games released to get an "A" rating from the ESRB, and A rated games allowed on the eShop. "A" rated games are not allowed to be displayed in stores, so a physical only release doesn't really make sense either, assuming Nintendo would even allow that anyway. This also isn't exactly striking the pan while it's hot. The game is five years old, so this just doesn't add up. I would be cool if it did happen and would love to be proven wrong, but I don't think this will happen.

Edited by Shagger
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No official release date has been announced, but it looked promising. Most likely a DDL only. But @Shagger is right. It’s one of only 3 games to get an AO rating. The other two were Manhunt 2, and Thrill Kill. But Thrill Kill was never officially released. There are bootlegs of it all over, but it was scrapped just before launch.

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From what I see, the devs announced they were making a port for the Switch, but nothing new has since come out of that. I found this article below: 


I remember people going crazy about this game, saying it was made to just be violent, which it was, but the violence from what I recall, wasn't as crazy as people were expecting. And supposedly the game wasn't even that good to begin with. 

I have a feeling it won't release on the switch. But, we shall see I suppose. 

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I enjoy the hell out of the game, simply because of the violence. And in actuality, it's more violent than people expected. The majority couldn't stomach it. The only ones that could were those of us that are misanthropic beyond what most people can imagine except other misanthropes.

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