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Do you think it's even worth pre-ordering games these days?

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I rarely pre-order anything these days. The only pre-order I do have, is for the upcoming Cyberpunk game, but that was because they put it on sale for $49.99, so I couldn't miss that. Now I just need to play the waiting game. 

Anyway, the last game I pre-ordered before that, was probably GTA V for the 360. Yes, back in 2013 was the last time I pre-ordered. I just never see the point in pre-ordering. Most of the time the extras you get for doing so aren't really worth it. I don't care about getting extra cosmetics or guns. I just want more story and DLC to be included. Or maybe some extra physical goodies to make the pre-order worth it. 

We really don't need to pre-order though, that's the thing. It is kind of pointless. It's not like most games will sell out. It's just the studios and stores wanting to get money as quickly as possible. Hell, some people don't even fully pay off their pre-orders. If I remember correctly, it's like $5 you have to put down to start a pre-order at a place like Gamestop. I heard that there are many people who put down that initial $5, and then don't pay anymore and some even forget they have that money. So Gamestop gets to keep that money. 

But yeah, just a small rant on pre-ordering. I don't see a point in it, unless you get physical extras in the package. 

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I agree that for the most part no, there is no point.  The only reason I would even consider it is if I knew that it was a game I was DEFINITELY going to buy and that is a pretty sentiment for me these days.

With that being said I don't excuse this accusatory attitude that many seem to have towards so called "Pre-Order culture" and the gamers that "buy" into it.  If a game that you Pre-Order comes out and it's buggy, incomplete or falsely advertised that's the publisher's fault, not the gamers!  We all know by now that Pre-Ordering is a risk, but that crap doesnt need to be shoved down people's throats when the risk doesn't pay off.  It's not their fault some company through will or negligence screwed them over!

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Pre-order only makes sense for physical games, where you can run into supply limits. For example I still buy every Playstation game physically because of Sony's outrageous local pricing in their online store.

That said I still pre-order digital games as well when I'm 100% sure I want them. So l pre-ordered The Last of Us 2, and Cyberpunk 2077. And I could get both bellow normal retail price. So that's an advantage.

What I can't get behind are pre-order bonuses. That scummy companies would lock certain content away from players, capitalizing on fomo.


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You shouldn't pre-order no matter what the product is, just look at Cyberpunk 2007 for example or any other game that appeared to be not worth playing (atleast cyberpunk is kinda), don't expect what you see in the trailers to be in the actual game (not accurate trailers is what i'm trying to say), always wait for reviews!

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Let me tell you a story about a young lad named Killa. Now Killa decided to pre-order a game - Not just any game. Star Wars Battlefront and Killa greatly anticipated its release because of the hype surrounding it but once the game came, Killa quickly realized he had gotten a $5 game for $60 and it turned his heart cold. From that day forth, Killa has never pre-ordered anything ever again without the reviews. 

The End

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With pre-orders as well, they have to make it worthy of buying so early. So with pre-orders, gamers should get a lot more than just some cheap DLC. Give them some swag, a t-shirt, mug, anything. This would make pre-ordering a bit more worth it. That's why I have no problems with people wanting to pre-order collectors editions for example. As you're getting either some big statue, action figure, t-shirt, poster, etc. That's worth a pre-order imo. Not digital codes and stuff, actual physical items to go along for the pre-order. That's the only way I can see myself pre-ordering anything again. 

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The principle alone is why I'm totally against pre-orders, with or without tat such as statuettes, shirts and mouldy helmets. While I wish I'd preordered Fallout: New Vegas in retrospect (and liked the game when it came out, that would've helped), I'll not lose any sleep over losing one of the few things that merits the "Collector's Edition" affix in this industry.

I no longer subscribe to the idea of a game running out of copies, not where digital distribution  is ever more liberal and physical copies can be produced long after release. If there's any reports of Cyberpunk 2077 selling out on store shelves, I'd love to see the overwhelming number of articles in order to begin justifying pre-ordering. Or better yet, take a page out of r/patientgamers' book, and play older, cheaper and perhaps better games while you wait for a sale when copies new and used will be much more freely available.

You're still buying a bad game sight unseen. If I'm wrong about it being bad (which isn't as often as I'd like), then that's a lot better than being wrong about it being good. Until then, people who pre-order must shoulder a noticeable portion of the blame in regards to why there's such a scarily high demand for unfinished to outright broken games, as I had in 2014.

Edited by Withywarlock
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I have never been open to pre-ordering any games till date, and I'm not sure if I would be changing my mind anytime soon because with what these companies do with these games is very frustrating. Imagine pre-ordering a game that they never would finish. 

Although, I'm tempted to pre-order Call of Duty Vanguard. 

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