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Bring back SSX Tricky

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I don't get EA. They had something great with their EA Sports Big franchises, from the likes of NBA Street, NFL Street, to one of my personal faves, SSX Tricky. I used to play the crap out of this game when it came out. I even remember staying home sick a few times, and I'd jump on some SSX Tricky and I'd forget about my cough or what was causing me problems that day. 

Anyway, EA did try to bring SSX back, but they modernized it and made it more realistic. I want my SSX Tricky with fun graphics and gameplay. Not some serious snowboarding game. I would love to see EA bring these sports games back, but they won't. If they did, expect them to monetize the shit out of it to the point it's like Madden or NBA 2K series. All they care for is money. 

I would give EA some props if they at least remastered the original SSX series. I'd buy that up in a heartbeat. 

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