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Forum Upgrade

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We recently upgraded VGR's forum to the latest version of IPB. Unbenounced, there are a lot of visual problems. We are working to resolve them. If we are unable to do so we will downgrade back to where we were. Bear with us, will be a few days. Thanks everyone!

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Also the edit button is gone?

If you accept a piece of advice: Always do major version upgrades on a backup copy of the database on a non-production server. So you can see what's broken and have a fix ready before making the upgrade on the live version.

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On 9/17/2020 at 1:22 PM, The Blackangel said:

When I try to use the bb code [] [/] to bold/italic/underline etc, it doesn’t do it. It just posts that as part of the post instead of an effect on the text.

Works fine for me. Use these buttons in the post preview.


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