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'NHL '94 Rewind' brings back an all-time great sports video game

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EA is releasing something quite cool this October 30th. It's going to be a remake of the classic NHL '94 called NHL '94 Rewind. It will be the same classic game with updated rosters. And EA will be including it for free when you pre-order NHL 21. I was mostly into the Ice Hockey game back on the NES, but this is pretty cool too. Is anyone going to pre-order NHL 21 to get this game? Do you think EA will release it at any point? I sure hope so. 

Read more about this story here: ESPN 

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So if pre-order the latest EA Sports NFL Game, which which like all EA Sports Games is pretty much same as earlier releases except with an updated roster.  You get an even older NFL game that's exactly the same as it was except with an updated roster.



I'd call this an intentional joke expect I really don't think that EA are even aware of the joke because they themselves ARE the joke!

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