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Gamestop to get a cut of digital Xbox sales?

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According to a post on Twitter from DOMO Capital Management, the recent deal Microsoft made with Gamestop, will draw a portion of revenue from Xbox digital sales into Gamestops pockets. As well, someone asked this group on Twitter, would Gamestop get sales from all digital games or just consoles sold from Gamestop, and according to what DOMO said, it looks like they will only gain profit if you purchased the Xbox from a gamestop store. So if you got an Xbox elsewhere, Gamestop gets no cut. At least that's how I see it. 

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I appreciate this from Microsoft as real world video game stores have had a hard time in recent years. The huge increase digital sales and the efforts of certain AAA game publishers *cough, cough...EA...cough*  to destroy the used games market, and would all but mean the end for stores like GameStop. Who would have though after seeing what Microsoft had originally tried to do with the Xbox One we'd be seeing this for the next generation. You have to give them credit, there does seem to be a genuine change in attitude from this company in reads to this. 

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Sounds more like affiliate marketing type deal. Which works with the digital publishers or bloggers who do the same via networks like Linkshare, Amazon, CJ etc. I don't see this being anything new. Looks 100 percent like partner or affiliate deal and nothng wrong with it. 

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