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Democracy continues. After everything the republicans tried to do to suppress our votes, we pulled through. 244 years of democracy almost washed away by republicans. More importantly than this win is to reach out to 70 million republicans that voted for trump. We will have a president for all and not for half the country. We will reach out to you even though you displayed traitorism. We won't forget. But we will try to help your anger and fear. Even with a compromised senate again, we will still reach out to those that didn't vote for a democracy. That's what is important. Moving forward. 

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Speaking on behalf of most of the rest of the world, It's a great thing that amoral, adult-sized toddler has been voted out, but the very fact Trump was elected in the first place makes it clear cut Biden still has it all to prove getting so close to such a low bar. Trump was not the start of America's problem, he was the result of them, and those problems have not gone away just because he has.


My open letter to America. Do better. Whilst this is a step in the right direction, it's still just one step. There's much to do.

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9 hours ago, Shagger said:

Speaking on behalf of most of the rest of the world, It's a great thing that amoral, adult-sized toddler has been voted out, but the very fact Trump was elected in the first place makes it clear cut Biden still has it all to prove getting so close to such a low bar. Trump was not the start of America's problem, he was the result of them, and those problems have not gone away just because he has.


My open letter to America. Do better. Whilst this is a step in the right direction, it's still just one step. There's much to do.

Biden and Harris have a lot of work to do to fix all the fuckups that Adolf and Adolf junior implemented. They destroyed this country as much as they could, and made us a laughing stock. Our allies all abandoned us. The UK was hanging by a thread in our favor. But we couldn't call on them simply because of Adolf. Even Canada told us to fuck off. Now that both Adolfs are out, our former allies may give us another chance.

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The next two months are going to be critical because trump is a person that may face criminal charges once out of office due to his taxes and whatever else that may come up. He won't have the White House protect him and a man with power and nothing to lose is dangerous. He will stir up his terrorist extremists to start violence and terrorize America tying to create a civil war before Jan 20th. Let's see what other republicans stand with trump to the end. Let's see if fox news falls in line to call for violence. Think that it would be a good idea if BLM stays off the streets till Jan 20th so as to not give right wing terrorism a chance to create a 'fight'. Let the far right extremists get taken down by the law. That would be good to watch. How will the police react then? No BLM protestors to abuse. They will have a real threat on their hands with far right militias. Let's see which police fall in line with terrorism and which protect and serve. 

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Adolf has flat out said that he won’t vacate the office that he lost. He is trying to seize permanent control, while wiping his worthless ass with the constitution. He needs to be executed, plain and simple. Which if he doesn’t vacate the White House, may be a possibility as that could be seen as an attack on the President. And treason is an automatic execution.

If only Adolf had suffered a tragic event in early childhood....

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