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Who's more to blame: Scalpers or the people who can't wait?

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While going over the recent news about an infamous scalper group, I've encountered this question several times - who's more to blame for this, the scalpers or the impatient ones amongst who can't control themselves. In my opinion, both parties are to share the blame and here's why. Their practices of using bots to secure the stock of an product supply which in turn, creates a shortage to hike prices is pretty scummy. However, the idiots who choose to buy these said products at those exorbitant prices are just as guilty because without them, scalpers would eventually have to resell those products at lower prices due to the lack of a market/demand. What are your thoughts on this?

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Scalpers only exist because people will pay over the price for something that they can have now, that is sold out. If it wasn't sold out, we'd have no scalpers, likewise if people could wait, there would be none either.


I'll be curious on how many scalpers though get stuck with all of the consoles they have and are going to be selling them at market value in a few months. 

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6 hours ago, Syntax said:

Scalpers only exist because people will pay over the price for something that they can have now, that is sold out. If it wasn't sold out, we'd have no scalpers, likewise if people could wait, there would be none either.


I'll be curious on how many scalpers though get stuck with all of the consoles they have and are going to be selling them at market value in a few months. 

This is what I've said in a couple of similar threads about the issue. If the scalpers didn't have a market, they wouldn't be able to see PS5s and other items at such ridiculous prices as there's no buyer. On the other hand, the scalper themselves are the reason why we have some significant price increases on very basic and vital items as well which is very scummy imo. Retailers like Walmart are starting to combat the bots but we need more retailers onboard to shut them down or weaken their operations significantly.

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I believe both, nobody pushes people to buy from scalpers, they do it on their own, which means they are completely fine with that and satisfied, but that motivate scalpers to keep doing what they are doing, also scalpers are to blame since they are taking over the stock and abusing the market ...

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Actually, I don't really think that those impatient gamers really tell the scalpers to get them the games at first but for the fact they made it available already, they can go get it.

So, my blame falls on the scalpers because if they don't make it available, the impatient gamers won't buy anything. 

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