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Nintendo Strikes Again!

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Nintendo won a court case against a company that provided Mario Kart Themed Go-Kart tours around Tokyo. It is reported that Nintendo originally sued this company because they allowed drivers to dress up as Nintendo characters which they felt was infringing on their intellectual property rights. What do you think about this?

Source: https://www.engadget.com/nintendo-seals-court-victory-against-knockoff-gokart-tour-company-133028716.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20v&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAFTZB1RxOZWkiRkJfBzbh68nmx8r3wF4CXbfhWRmp5Z0AkOcoTEqYbVj_YxE2GBhEy5FCtT2ESAUcmKsmJ4ntdK6iC0lnBmQesinwPGzUJd6K24EcXMqWSshZqMHDv5Qn9qHx9DGDx5Bwf0a37asnoa_DOGPL_z4lPnaDmVv2GqE

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I think they have a right to block it, but it's a stupid thing to block. Let them wear the outfits. I'd understand if they were like costumes where it looked exactly like Mario, but if it's just some guy or woman wearing red/blue clothes, than I see no problem. The image in the article shows me that it's just people wearing outfits in the style. I see no problem with this. 

But, Nintendo gotta sue. That's how they work. I hope this company rebounds and just does a new theme. Or makes it their own theme instead. 

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On 12/29/2020 at 12:42 PM, Kane99 said:

I think they have a right to block it, but it's a stupid thing to block. Let them wear the outfits. I'd understand if they were like costumes where it looked exactly like Mario, but if it's just some guy or woman wearing red/blue clothes, than I see no problem. The image in the article shows me that it's just people wearing outfits in the style. I see no problem with this. 

But, Nintendo gotta sue. That's how they work. I hope this company rebounds and just does a new theme. Or makes it their own theme instead. 

So true - I don't see any other gaming company make that big of a deal of such minute things. As a matter of fact, they welcome it.

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As petty as Nintendo can be about these sort of things, I actully agree with them and thier right to put an end to this. This buisness is utterly dependant on the Mario Kart theme to do buissness, and if they make money on this without a proper licence and permisson from Nintendo, then this legal action is 100% warrented. The only reason this company doing the Mario Kart tours are getting any sympathy over this is because Nintendo have a reputation about being petty whe it comes to protecting thier intellectual property, but to me this is not an example of them being petty, this is what copyright law is for. 

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37 minutes ago, Shagger said:

As petty as Nintendo can be about these sort of things, I actully agree with them and thier right to put an end to this. This buisness is utterly dependant on the Mario Kart theme to do buissness, and if they make money on this without a proper licence and permisson from Nintendo, then this legal action is 100% warrented. The only reason this company doing the Mario Kart tours are getting any sympathy over this is because Nintendo have a reputation about being petty whe it comes to protecting thier intellectual property, but to me this is not an example of them being petty, this is what copyright law is for. 

That's why I think they need to change the theme and make it their own. Nintendo will never back down, so it's probably find a new theme to go with, maybe something completely fresh and unique. They could do so many things with their karts. I imagine kart racing is popular anyway, so the theme probably doesn't matter so much.


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@Shagger put it about as perfectly as it can be put. Copyright infringement is a serious offense. Sure some might call it free advertising, but Nintendo doesn’t need any help advertising one of their most successful and longest running series. If the kart company had just signed a contract of some kind with Nintendo, then they would both be raking it in. You would probably have to reserve your Yoshi costume ahead of time.

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