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Dumbest ways you died in video games?

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So I saw an article earlier about 9 dumb ways to die in video games, that you can read here - GameSpew

The article above basically goes over the dumb ways you can die in a game, and it starts off simple, like falling off the map, friendly fire, etc. But what are some not on this list and ones you remember happening when you died in a game? 

I can't count how many times I've died in dumb ways. Recently I was playing Cyberpunk 2077 and didn't notice there was explosions everywhere, even though I can scan the area. I saw some explosions, but what I didn't see, was mines laying about. So I went in there like an idiot and started popping off people. I stepped on a mine, and had no idea why I died so quick. Reloaded the checkpoint and finally figured it out. 

But yeah, I've died for dumber reasons. Like walking up to an enemy to stealth kill him, and then he immediately turns around to kill me. Fun times. Anyway, do you remember a time you died in game that was dumb or even funny?

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Getting pecked to death because I got side tracked could be one. I can make my characters in FF8 virtually invincible. But they still take damage. Well, I have a rather short attention span and get side tracked very easily. I had my characters maxed out at 9999 HP. I ended up in a battle against a single bite bug. I got over confident and set my Switch aside to do something else for a moment. Long story short, I lost track of time, came back and found that one bite bug had killed all 3 of my characters and effectively defeated me and caused a game over. I was less than happy.

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So there's that DLC of GTA 4 if you are familiar with it, where you play as a biker (TLAD), the mission was so long and it had only one part left which is driving back to the HQ, on the way, i pressed F by mistake (the key that's meant for exiting/entering vehicles), then a car rammed me and another truck rammed that car and exploded and i died, didn't touch the game for a week.

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6 hours ago, Patrik said:

So there's that DLC of GTA 4 if you are familiar with it, where you play as a biker (TLAD), the mission was so long and it had only one part left which is driving back to the HQ, on the way, i pressed F by mistake (the key that's meant for exiting/entering vehicles), then a car rammed me and another truck rammed that car and exploded and i died, didn't touch the game for a week.

It'd probably take me a month to touch anything after that!

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Movement of the character in Witcher 3 is very strange. If you turn, he would take a couple steps, pivot, then couple steps and slide when you stop moving him. I've gotten too close to the edge of a mountain and oops! Forgot he slides a few steps after you make him stop moving. Down I go! All the way down. Splatter! Crunch! Well dang, when was the last recent save? Oh you got to be kidding me. I just wanted to see the sunset and valley below. God damn selfie. Such a great game though. Just don't expect to jump on the horse one try. You may have to run in a circle first. 

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Petting your cat and not looking where you go with car/horse/on foot and falling off a clif/mountain/into the sea xD Those are really dumb and repeated itself.

Misclicking spells in wow.

Throwing a bean can bomb and forgeting about it in rust and then killed by it's explosion.

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