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Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo years ago

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So this is a interesting bit of news, but news I can totally believe. According to an Eurogamer article, Microsoft attempting to purchase Nintendo back in the year 2000. Yes, 20 years ago MS tried to buy up Nintendo. What was Nintendo's response to their ask? Well according to someone involved with MS at the time, Nintendo just laughed them off. 

Could you imagine if Microsoft owned Nintendo? Wonder how consoles would have been with Microsoft's influence. What do you guys think?

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I'm not sure what to say because Microsoft are very good with exclusive games so they'd probably ruin a great deal of those franchises. All you have to do is look at how many original exclusives they had for the original Xbox and only Halo and Fable are the survivors of that generation.

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From developer point of view that move would have been much better. A lot of xbox games went to nintendo and also vice versa and even better less restrictions on streamers because microsoft like streamers. It is pity that they closed mixer for facebook gaming. Nintendo needs to come out of china like mentality and be open. 

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Given that of all systems that are going right now, as a gaming system Nintendo has been around the longest, and feel superior to the others. PlayStation didn't come out until the N64 was out (Nintendo fucked up there) and Xbox didn't come out until a couple years later. So they're kinda the OG of gaming, since Atari and Sega are out of the console market. Also Nintendo has been around since the 1889. They were originally a playing card company. So that's one hell of a superiority complex.

As a video game company, they're a beast and virtually untouchable. They're also a big baby when something doesn't go their way. Given that they're 132 years old, maybe they're more senile than a baby.

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