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The Blackangel

Best And Worst Open World Games

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Fallout 76 had to make this list - my questions how comes Anthem didn't. Metal Gear Survive is like the "bad egg" of the Metal Gear franchise - we don't claim this game at all. I thought Superman 64 should've been on this list as well but Superman Returns was really a pretty horrid game.

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I don't think that Superman 64 was even an open world game. I think it was just a simple linear game. Open world implies like open world, like GTA V, or Skyrim. 

I think the worst open world game is Mafia 3. Just a bland game that didn't even need to be an open world game. Best open world games, I'd say probably Arkham City or Arkham Knight. But I could say GTA V or Red Dead Redemption too. 

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I really like amazing spider man 2 the only problem I had was I would swing into a wall and freeze for about five minutes and would get right back into the action so I didn’t have any problems with the game. Like any other games that they do fix patches but as long s the game still supported then all good- You think? 

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