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Pro Gamer forced to retire due to thumb/wrist injury

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So this is a bit of sad news, pro gamer ZooMaa had to retire from the pro gaming scene due to a thumb and wrist injury that returned. He felt that he couldn't go on and compete at the highest level due to the pain. Read this article and thought he'd be out of gaming for life, but I think he's only stopping in terms of pro playing. I think he still intends to game, just has to heal up more before he can take on the task of being a pro gamer again. 

The game he was a pro at was Call of Duty. No idea if and when he would be returning, maybe this injury could heal up and he could be back in no time. You can read more about his story here - NBC News

Anyway, the main reason I started this topic, was to discuss the whole idea of possibly not being able to play video games again. What would you do if you were no longer able to play video games because of an injury like that? I would probably buy one of those adaptive controllers that Xbox makes. I would find a way to continue playing I think. What about you?

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  On 1/21/2021 at 6:07 PM, Kane99 said:

What would you do if you were no longer able to play video games because of an injury like that?


The first thing would be to try to treat the injury and go through rehabilitation. Straining myself trying to play during the healing process is probably not going to do me any favours in the long(er) run. I'd also have to make some changes to my lifestyle, finding ways to adapt without causing too much pain to my thumb and/or other damaged appendages.

The psychology also matters, so finding another hobby to keep my mind off the injury and loss of an old one would also be something to do in between exercises recommended by my physiologist or whoever would be responsible for aiding my recovery. Books that I could hold, writing (and practicing doing so in my weaker hand if the dominant one was injured), among other activities would good to keep me occupied.

As you say, Kane, adaptive controllers could be an idea. I think ZooMaa is in a position to help advocate for equipment that makes gaming re-accessible for people like him, and open up gaming to other people who have never played before because of other motor disabilities. Such things aren't going to come about waiting with our broken thumbs up our backsides; there has to be awareness and acceptance. Nobody is less deserving of enjoying this hobby because of a disability.

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My suggestion is to first undergo physical therapy to help with alleviating the pain and help to strengthen the wrist and thumbs. Secondly, I'd tell them to stop jacking off because that probably was a contributing factor (no more pornhub for you mr. E-gamer!) 😹. On a more serious note, they just need to take a break from gaming and allow their body to heal. 

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