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Where does Switch rank for you compared to other Nintendo systems, so far?

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Is it near the top, lower down, already #1...?

For me it's already their #3 best system and it's not even quite 4 years old yet, thanks to a combination of first party gems like BOTW and Mario Odyssey, and great third party games like Doom 2016/Eternal, Hellblade, Witcher 23, Ori, etc.

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Being of a certain age, the Nintendo system that brought the best memories would be the Nintendo 64. Zelda OOT, Banjo Kazooie, DK 64, 1080 Snowboarding, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Mario 64, Lylat Wars (Starfox 64), the list goes on.


That would be answer for  genuine topic of this title, but I wonder why this is your very first post...


5 hours ago, curl-6 said:

Is it near the top, lower down, already #1...?

For me it's already their #3 best system and it's not even quite 4 years old yet, thanks to a combination of first party gems like BOTW and Mario Odyssey, and great third party games like Doom 2016/Eternal, Hellblade, Witcher 23, Ori, etc.


What's with the hashtags? What's with the wording? Why such specific questions with your very first post? Where dose the non-mentioned "it" slot into the very non-mentioned "whare" into the very non-mentioned "what"?  VGR is not a commercial research facility and it's members are not rats in a maze. Untill you answer my questions, we're not answering yours, and so this topic is locked until you do.

Edited by Shagger
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