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Capcom Condemns Gacha and Loot Boxes in New Report

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Oooh, Interesting. It's nice to see actual companies being against loot boxes. But, this is Capcom we're talking about, and I'm not sure if you all remember, but years back they had content on disc that was locked behind a paywall. This was for one of the street fighter games. But, if they changed their ways and aren't for this sort of stuff, I hope more companies jump on board with their opinion. 

You can read bore about this info here - techraptor

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I remember the Capcom that thought DLC stood for "Disc Locked Content". I think it was Marvel Vs Capcom 3 where the characters meant to be exclusive to the PlayStation (a dick move all by itself) were actually on the Xbox dics along with, of course, the DLC characters. It was unbelievable, and they defended this by saying the put the DLC on the disk for "player convenience", in that people wouldn't have to download the characters before being able to use them. Utterly ridiculous.


However, I feel that Capcom are a very different company now. Somewhere around the launch of the PS4 and XB1, an unfortunate yet justified lack in consumer confidence in the company lead them to a point whare they were in very real trouble financially. A lot of upcoming games were cancelled and they barely survived. However, they saw the error in their ways and started to bring some real quality and value back to into their games, turned back on the business practices that had put people off from buying their products and they slowly rebuild both their business and their reputation.


So, I'm not surprised to see this version of Capcom taking a stand like this and I'm glad they are.

Edited by Shagger
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Capcom has had a change in philosophy in the last decade so I'm not surprised to see them take this stance right now . While I give them credit for that, I'm not going to be tricked by any of these companies because at the end of the day, they can easily go back to their old ways.

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It's easy for a company to condemn a practice. I can condemn gacha and loot boxes and it still has the same impact, because it requires I do nothing. They lose nothing, neither trust nor sales, if they go back on their word because this is the video games industry, a revolving door of public absolution.

In the meantime, congratulations for not preying on addictive personalities for this long....?

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