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Epic Games files antitrust suit against Apple in European Union

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To sum it up, Epic Games isn't happy that Apple won't allow them to have their own marketplace on the App store. As they want to sell in game items in Fortnite for example, and it's against Apple's terms to do that. They are suing to change that, as they feel it makes it unfair to block competitors from the marketplace. They believe it to be a breach of EU competition law. 

You can read more about this case here - Venture Beat

In a way I agree with Epic, even though they're just another greedy company and only care about getting as much profits as they can. I wouldn't mind seeing other marketplaces being a part of Apple's ecosystem. Maybe pay a fee per year to have your service on there? Idk, Apple you greedy too, I'm sure you can find a way to benefit yourself in the process lol. 

What do you think about it? Do you think Epic Games can win? or will it just be a waste of time? 

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