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What were some of the good movies to video game adaptations out there?

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Whenever you hear about movies getting their own games, you automatically think of all the bad games that came out. From the likes of Fight Club the video game, Enter The Matrix, or ET, what are some of the games that were based on movies that actually turned out to be somewhat decent? 

One game that I heard people mention, was Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Video Game. I tried to play through it myself, but didn't get to far. I didn't find anything particularly good about it, but it seems to get praise from some. 

I hear the Godfather game was actually good, but I think that's a bit different, considering the movie came out before video games were even a thing. Also I remember Spider-Man 2 was actually really good for a movie tie-in title. And another like The Godfather, The Warriors got a good game from Rockstar. 

Can you name any games based on movies that were actually good? 

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I can confirm The Godfather (and its sequel) are very good games, if somewhat weird to play today. I strongly recommend them to anyone who likes Mafia III, because it's that but better in just about every way, minus hanging a racist from a ferris wheel. Swings and roundabouts I suppose.

I don't remember the praise for King Kong despite reading a few weeks back it was well received. I only liked it because it was an easy 1,000 Gamerscore on the Xbox 360.

Otherwise, I can't think of many movie tie-in games that were good post-Playstation One. Disney has consistently had good ones, and while not entirely based on their movies, the generation following that had some decent games that took elements of the film to be their own game. Nightmare before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge is one example.

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How the hell do you make a game off The Godfather? That's like making a dildo out of a snow globe.

But to answer the question, there have been a couple decent Star Wars games, surprisingly. Star Wars Racer isn't too bad. Not a masterpiece by any means, but acceptable for a racing game designed in the likeness of the movies.

ET on the Atari 2600 was an abomination. So much so that they took all the copies they had and buried them in the desert. I wish I had one of those copies, because they're worth a shitload of money to collectors now. I don't know the exact number they go for, but I know it's a lot.

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Any movie that Jason Statham (we can't see the transporter as a game because that what Driver was about), Robert de Niro and Sylvester Stallon took part in for sure lol, it would also funnier to have them as protagonists as well :P

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Well, there were many Star Wars games that were excellent. Of course they are only based on the world of Star Wars, not directly on specific movies.

X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Dark Forces, Jedi Knight, X-Wing Alliance, Rogue Squadron, Knights of the Old Republic etc, were all good games.

There were also a  few good Star Trek games: Klingon Honor Guard, Star Trek Elite Force I & II

Riddick Escape From Butcher Bay was a good game too.


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