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Why aren’t more games made in first/third person?

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Probably because game devs follow a specific recipe with their games. I can't imagine someone playing Zelda in first person. To my knowledge AC would be really messed up in complete first person. Unless there's a game that I missed somewhere.

It all depends on the specific game. Some can easily support both formats and the game plays just fine for the gamer. Others would just not look or play well in another view. I'm willing to bet that no one here even wants to try to picture what Doom would look like in third person.

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I think many games stay away from 3rd person because once you open that door, then fans will criticize for not having cool gear or even character build. It could also take away from their intended effect in horror games switching from 1st to 3rd. What doesn't make sense to me is games that are 1st person has you customize gear and character at the beginning, or even throughout, and never even see it because you are in 1st person. 

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That's something I have pointed out about RDR2. You can customize just about everything for Arthur and his horse, but in first person you can see none of it. There are loads of different outfits, and you can mix and match all you want when you have them in your possession. Stuff you can buy in town or things you can get from the trapper after you have brought him the hides he needs. But if you're playing in first person, you will just be wasting your money doing so. The only thing I customize as far as that all goes is my saddle. Different saddles affect your horse's stats. Everything from the horn, to the stirrups. It all makes a difference. There is one thing you can customize, and for the life of me I can't figure out why. The saddle blanket. You never see just the blanket. You see a microscopic bit of it poking out from under the saddle. It has no affect on any of your horses stats, so I don't know why the hell that one even matters.

You can also customize your horse a bit on their mane and tail. You can color it and choose the length and style. I do it with a couple of my horses to distinguish them from other horses. But if you're in first person and would do it cosmetically, that's a moot point as you will never see it.

I've been trying to play Skyrim for a while, and I do it in third person, and the controls are so wonky that I have a hard time playing the game. If the controls were better, the game would hold more allure. But even in third person the controls act and look like first person. You can't walk sideways in RDR2. Thankfully.

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I believe it is because both need differently designed combat. What works in third person doesn't in first and vica versa. Skyrim might have a third person view, but it's only for vanity. Actually playing the game like that is god awful imo.  I wish more games had that option too, but not to play them, just to be able to look at your character from the outside. Some games have photo mode as an alternative, like Cyberpunk 2077, where you can't play in third person, but at least can view your character from another perspective.

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Bethesda's games are a perfect example. They were pretty clearly developed with first person in mind, the scale of every object and environment and the positioning of things makes sense with that viewpoint, and the animations are done with that in mind as well. Switching to third, sizes look off, animations are floaty and weird, and the whole thing just starts to look and feel terrible.

For a reverse, see the first person mod for GTA IV (or was it V?). The game looks great in third person but when you switch to first person the sizes of things look off and the models start to look terrible when you're so close.

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On 3/23/2021 at 12:01 PM, Patrik said:

because we are unfortunately in an era where companies do what brings money and not what people love, that's why you ain't getting your favorite games like you used to do before 😞

Seriously, there is no way you would expect them to give you exactly what you want when making money is their main priority. 

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