You might be aware that Sony has been extra generous lately with freebies. This is how the company has been doing its part to support gamers during COVID-19. Worried that you might have missed some of the free PS4 games in April 2020? To help you catch them all, let’s go over everything you can get for free right now.
Here Are the Free PS4 Games in April 2020
There are three different opportunities to be aware of right now for free games. Let’s give a quick breakdown.
PS Plus: Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and DiRT Rally 2.0 are the free games through PlayStation Plus this month. Note that this works the same way it does every month, where the games are free to you to play only for the duration of the month. Next month, they will be replaced by different free games.
Stay-at-Home Initiative: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Journey are both free through the Sony Stay-at-Home Initiative. This initiative exists to encourage gamers to obey the quarantine. If you add these games to your library now, they are free to you forever.
Knack 2: If you open a German PSN account, you can also download Knack 2 for free right now through the German PlayStation Store. Don’t worry, you can play the game in English.
With everything that is going on right now, we would not be surprised if next month, there are further opportunities to get exciting games for free. If Sony offers any more freebies, we will let you know in our PlayStation news section. So, keep an eye on our latest posts. And don’t forget to grab all of the free PS4 games in April 2020 while you have the chance.