Epic Games has just announced the return of Gear Packs, new Challenges to earn the Microsoft Studios Animated Weapon Skin set, and 15 brand new achievements for Gears of War 4 along with the schedule for these releases.
This month has been filled with all kinds of new stuff for Gears of War 4! We are getting a new June Update featuring 15 new achievements themed around “Mastery” in Gears 4. On top of that, two brand new Challenges will begin next week so that players can earn the Microsoft Studios Animated Weapon Skin set, inspired by the animation that introduces the logo of Microsoft Studios when the game is loaded.
Furthermore, there is an announcement about a certain skin called “Heartbeat”, which has not been revealed yet but is expected to be soon. We are more excited than ever to see what this is all about, although I am already sure that fans will buy it in droves the minute it is released in the game.
This weekend has many more surprises for the fans of the game since two Gear Packs are returning: the COG Officer Pack and the Spectral Pack. The former one will contain two brand new versions of JD and Del while the latter will feature DB skins.
The 2XP Blitz event and the Horde Mania event are still active while we are waiting for some upcoming events expected to begin in late June or early July. These will likely be another duo of Versus and Horde events featuring another Gear Pack for purchase.
Nevertheless, in its announcement, Epic Games teased more to come beyond early July. Keep checking back with us for more updates as Epic Games lets us in the loop!