In Ghost Recon Breakpoint, players will be pitted against a former Ghost named Cole D. Walker. Walker, who’s played by Punisher actor Jon Bernthal, leads a sort of ‘anti-Ghost’ regime known as The Wolves. In the latest trailer for Breakpoint, viewers can see first-hand just how deadly The Wolves are under Walker’s guidance.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint ‘We Are Wolves’ Trailer

The trailer, which is aptly titled ‘We Are Wolves,’ sets the stage for Breakpoint’s action from the villain’s perspective. Ghost Recon Breakpoint is set on a multi-biome island called Aurora which houses the technology company SkellTech. As the trailer shows, Walker and his Wolves have commandeered SkellTech’s military assets for their own purposes. Thanks to SkellTech’s drones, weaponry, and vehicles, The Wolves have essentially locked down Aurora and taken all SkellTech employees hostage.
The Wolves are fearsome when working in teams, but even Walker by himself is a formidable adversary. His Ghost training has made him an expert in covert tactics, weapons handling, and hand-to-hand combat. Worse, he and his Wolves know exactly what to expect when dealing with the player’s Ghost. Even when a player has the advantage of surprise, Walker and his Wolves won’t go down easily.
The end of the Ghost Recon Breakpoint trailer also shows a brief bit of gameplay involving the Ghosts’ signature sync shot ability. However, the sudden cut-off seems to suggest The Wolves will be able to negate the ability in some way. That’s just pure speculation on our part, but it would certainly up The Wolves’ fear factor.
Ghost Recon Breakpoint is technically not Walker’s first appearance in the greater Ghost Recon storyline. A recent DLC bonus mission for Ghost Recon Wildlands actually introduced Walker as an NPC ally to the player. Breakpoint’s story campaign will explain how Walker transitioned from ally to antagonist, and how he founded The Wolves. New information about Ghost Recon Breakpoint will likely be unveiled during Ubisoft’s E3 press conference. For now, we know that Breakpoint will launch on October 4 for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Those who pre-order the game also unlock access to a pre-release beta ahead of the full game’s arrival.