Weird bugs and glitches crop up regularly in Apex Legends. But some of them are undeniably weirder than others. Perhaps one of the strangest glitches to happen in a while is the one caught by Reddit user MasterNater7 the other day, playing as Wraith. The bug ended up turning Wraith into the Void while fighting against another Wraith. Let’s check it out!
Here is the Bug Turning Wraith Into the Void
You can watch the video of the bug turning Wraith into the Void below:
Bizarre, right? The player was summoning the Void for the Into the Light finisher when the glitch occurred. It was triggered by another Wraith attacking at that moment. The Void then took over part of the screen, making it hard to see. Nevertheless, the player managed to prevail and survive.
Hopefully this weird bug won’t become a major problem for Wraith mains over the coming days. If you experience it, be sure and report it so that Respawn knows what’s up and needs their attention. And be aware that other players who are aware it exists may try to trigger and exploit it when fighting you. Try and avoid this happening if you can, and if not, be ready to fight with a massive visual obstruction on your screen.
This is not the only interesting bug to show up in recent days. There was also a glitch reported the other day which was making it possible for players to conceal themselves inside the rocks at Kings Canyon. While in the rocks, they were invisible and couldn’t take damage from players outside the rocks.
There is plenty of other Apex Legends news right now. So, while you are taking a break from the action, be sure and catch up on all of the latest.