Here Are the Nine New Supers Coming In Destiny 2’s Forsaken Expansion

As part of its upcoming August magazine issue, Game Informer took a deep dive into Destiny 2’s Forsaken expansion, a deep dive which digital subscribers can read right now. However, the Destiny Reddit community has already been busy sharing a bunch of the information contained in the Game Informer story, so if you’d rather get the scoop on the expansion’s new super abilities without subscribing to Game Informer, we’ve got you covered.

Get ready to ride the lightning.

Redditor Skull1103 provided an in-depth outline over on the official Destiny subreddit of not only the new super abilities that each Guardian class and sub-class will be receiving, but also of the new skill trees that are being added to each sub-class:

  • Sentinel Titan: Code of the Commander – Melees cause explosions, but all void ability damage also attaches a Void Detonator, and any subsequent damage causes the detonator to go off and attach detonators to enemies caught in the explosion. Grenade energy partially recharges for you and nearby allies when detonators trigger. Banner Shield can still be used for offense like normal, but holding guard creates a barrier wall of light that absorbs enemy attacks, but allows ally attacks to pass through.
  • Sunbreaker Titan: Code of the Devastator – Throw your hammer with the melee button, but it remains in the world – risk retrieving it where it fell to fully recharge your melee ability, and trigger health regen. The more solar-ability kills you get, the higher your damage, up to 3x. Siege Hammer creates a flaming maul that hits like an earthquake and leaves behind flame tornadoes.
  • Striker Titan: Code of the Missile – While airborne, melee to slam into the ground like a bunker buster, and gain super energy for your trouble. If you pick up ammo while sliding, you automatically reload your equipped weapon and increase weapon damage for a short time. Thunder Crash sends you hurtling great distances like a missile to hit a targeted area like a meteor strike.
  • Gunslinger Hunter: Way of a Thousand Cuts – Knife-trick melees fling out a fan of burning blades. In turn, killing burning enemies recharges your knife trick, and burning enemies also recharge your dodge. Blade Barrage doubles down on your knife skills to expel a volley of explosive kills.
  • Nightstalker Hunter: Way of the Wraith – Your melee smoke bomb heavily damages and slows those in its path. Nail the perfect precision kill against a foe to vanish and gain truesight. Spectral Blades drops you into a veil of shadows to slip behind foes and stab them before they know you’re even there.
  • Arcstrider Hunter: Way of the Current – Slide before a melee to unleash a staff-powered uppercut, and any melee hits increase your reload speed. All your arc abilities electrify your enemies, and subsequent melee strikes disorient them and refuel your abilities. Use your staff super like normal if desired, but Whirlwind Guard means that you can guard by spinning your staff, reflecting back projectiles, and tripling your staff’s damage afterwards
  • Voidwalker Warlock: Attunement of Fission – A new Atomic Breach melee ability creates a void explosion at range, while holding the grenade button down creates a short-range area explosion Supernova. Any void ability kills now heal you and grant ability energy. Nova Warp empowers you with transdimensional hopping abilities, letting you repeatedly teleport short distances and then erupt in a burst of energy.
  • Stormcaller Warlock: Attunement of Control – Tap the melee button to fling out a long-distance electricity ball that eventually detonates and flings a lightning bolt straight downward. Arc Kills sometimes create Ionic Traces, a spark of raw arc energy that travels across the ground toward you, which can be collected to recharge abilities. Chaos Reach fires a long-range blue beam of intense and focused damage dealing, which can be deactivated early to save energy.
  • Dawnblade Warlock: Attunement of Grace – Melee attacks burn bad guys, but empower allies. Transform your grenade (by holding the button) into a Blessing, a projectile that heals allies and drops retrievable overshield orbs. Well of Radiance slams your solar sword into the ground, creating a wide-radius aura that rapidly heals and empowers your friends. Any ability that heals or empowers helps to regenerate your non-Super abilities.

For more on Destiny 2’s Forsaken expansion, be sure to read our previous coverage of the recent Tangled Shore region teaser and the expansion’s new Collections system.