Here’s How You’ll Unlock More Javelin Suits in Anthem

Anthem has already dazzled plenty of E3 2018 conference viewers, as it looks like a game many of us want to play. But just as we have a lot we want to say about it, we also have a ton of questions as well. Namely, we’re wondering how we get our hands on additional suits in Anthem, or the items referred to as Javelins. We already know you’ll get four of the Javelins at launch, which will be fully customizable, but only one will be available to you when you start the game: the Ranger. You’ll have to work hard if you want to get the rest of them, but what will you have to do to get them?

BioWare executive producer Mark Darrah took to Twitter to answer a number of questions in that regard, namely what folks will have to do to acquire additional Javelins for their game. Darrah has stated that you’ll have to get the other three suits simply by playing through the game’s story missions. That sounds easy enough, and unlike a hassle, but there’s more to it than that.

You can actually choose what order you want to get the Javelins in, according to the order you complete various missions in, so this clearly implies that Anthem will be something of a non-linear game with open world elements. Darrah didn’t clarify whether these missions will be unlockable side quests, or if they’re required for completion, but whatever the case may be, at least we have some sort of idea as to how we can get our grubby little paws on them.

Anthem Release Date Classes

And what of future Javelins? Darrah has stated that there is the possibility of leaving additional Javelins open for DLC in the future, but given fans’ response to premium content and DLC lately, perhaps that isn’t the best idea.

We’ll find out when the game launches on February 22 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.