Hitman 2: How to Complete The Revolutionary Elusive Target

Hitman 2’s second Elusive Target, The Revolutionary, has arrived in the game’s Santa Fortuna destination. As is usually the case, The Revolutionary is only around for a few days so players need to act fast. Fortunately, this guide outlines a quick and efficient method for ensuring Santa Fortuna is The Revolutionary’s final resting place. Even better, this strategy should also earn you a Silent Assassin rating.

Hitman 2 The Revolutionary Setup

There are a few items you’ll need for this guide, but they’re not very hard to acquire. First off, make sure your starting loadout includes the lockpick and any silenced pistol. Second, you’ll need some sort of explosive device which you can equip in your starting loadout. Something like the ICA remote detonation mine or the explosive baseball from the Whittleton Creek Mastery reward track.

You can also use the default bus stop starting location for Santa Fortuna. However, as you’ll soon see, you might need to restart the mission a few times before proceeding.

Hitman 2 The Revolutionary Walkthrough

When the mission starts, jog over to the north and look for a house on your left with a moped in front of it. There should be some guards patrolling around the house as well as, hopefully, The Revolutionary sitting inside. You can use Instinct mode to see if The Revolutionary has spawned in the house. He naturally won’t show up as red but you can spot his unique beret. He’ll also be sitting down in a chair on the second floor. If he’s not in the house, restart the mission and look again.

Once you’re sure The Revolutionary is inside the house, you can proceed with the rest of the strategy. Turn around back towards the bus stop starting point and look for a yellow “Medico” building to your left. The building’s door is locked but that’s why you brought your lockpick along. Inside the Medico building you’ll find a bottle of lethal poison pills on the desk. Just make sure you grab them and exit quickly since someone might spot you trespassing if you linger.

Next, head down the northern road, past The Revolutionary’s location, and then turn right when you reach Andrea Martinez’s mansion. Keep going east until you reach the point where the road slopes down. Look to your right to find a locked caged door attached to the left side of a large blue building. Crouch down to avoid the sightline of the nearby guard and lockpick the caged door.

Go up the stairs and head around the corner to find a small security booth. Make sure the nearby patrolling guard’s back is turned and use your silenced pistol to shoot the security tape recordings. Next, turn the booth’s power switch off to trigger a distraction. Hide back over near the stairs and subdue the guard when he comes to investigate. Hide the guard’s body in the large crate, pick his gun up off the floor, and stow it in your inventory. Since the power switch is still off, another guard will eventually come to investigate. This guard is from The Revolutionary’s house so he’ll take a bit to reach the switch.

Hitman 2 The Revolutionary Elimination

Hide in the large crate and when the second guard’s back is turned subdue him and hide his body along with the first guard’s. Take one of the guards’ disguises and then head back down towards The Revolutionary’s house. Ensure the power switch is still off since a *third* guard (also from The Revolutionary’s house) will leave to investigate. As you approach The Revolutionary’s house from the north, turn right and head around to the back of the house.

Next to the back staircase is another large storage crate. What you want to do is take out your explosive and throw it so that it hits the crate and detonates. The Whittleton Creek baseball detonates on impact, but if you brought a mine you might have to manually detonate it. Either way, the explosion should trigger some panic, and that’s the intended effect.

The Revolutionary will retreat downstairs and his guards will leave to investigate the explosion. This allows you to quickly head up the stairs and into the house’s now empty second floor. You’ll see a glass of wine which you should quickly poison using the lethal poison pills you collected earlier. Exit the house and hang around nearby. Once the commotion dies down, The Revolutionary will return to the second floor and drink the wine, sealing his fate.

Hitman 2 Casual Tourist with Gloves suit.

Since poisoning a drink counts as an accident kill, you’ll get the Silent Assassin rating when you exit the mission. Successfully eliminating The Revolutionary also unlocks the ‘Casual Tourist with Gloves’ suit for Agent 47. Special thanks to MrFreeze2244 for figuring out this excellent Revolutionary elimination strategy.

For more Hitman 2 content, be sure to read our guide on completing the Secret Santa challenge set. The Secret Santa challenges are part of Hitman 2’s special Holiday Hoarders bonus mission.