Tomorrow, Call of Duty: Warzone will be free for everyone to download and play, whether they own Call of Duty: Modern Warfare or not. In addition to the standard battle royale gameplay which gamers are expecting, Warzone will offer a more original game mode called Plunder, which involves squads competing to gather Cash. Both modes will feature Call of Duty: Warzone Contracts; a new type of in-match objective which give players an opportunity to earn bonus Cash and other loot items.
The Call of Duty: Warzone Contracts
When players boot up Call of Duty: Warzone for the first time, they’ll have the option to play two different game modes; the standard Battle Royale or Plunder. In the latter, 150 players (playing in squads) will be competing to collect Cash, which can be found all around the Verdansk map. In both modes, Cash can be used to buy Killstreaks, Self-Revive Kits, and more at Buy Stations, but in Plunder it’s also required to win. As an extra way of earning Cash in either mode, players will also be able to complete Contracts.

The Call of Duty: Warzone Contracts can be found and activated all over Verdansk. When a player activates a Contract, that Contract is then active for their whole squad. Note that you can only have a single Contract active at any one time. Completing a Contract will reward you and your squadmates with in-match Cash, as well as other loot. In any given match, a variety of different Contracts will be available. According to Activision, these will include; “Scavenger Contracts where you have to find and open a series of Supply Boxes and Recon Contracts where you must secure one location, similar to Call of Duty’s Domination mode.”
Activision has yet to detail what sort of loot Contracts will award besides Cash. However, Killstreaks would be a safe bet, along with other items which might otherwise be bought at Buy Stations. Additionally, Activision did reveal that one such special reward will give players the ability; “to see the next circle collapse location before it starts to close.”