How to Get FIFA 20 Player Moments SBC Trezeguet in Ultimate Team

In Ultimate Team mode, gamers are able to complete a new Squad Building Challenge (SBC) to obtain Aston Villa forward Mahmoud Trezeguet. By completing the new FIFA 20 Players Moment SBC, an 87 overall card is the reward with improved skills ratings. There are also a few other rewards along the way. Here’s a look at the item and how to get the new Trezeguet card in FIFA Ultimate Team.

FIFA 20 Moments SBC Trezeguet overview

The new FIFA 20 Moments SBC Trezeguet first arrived in the game on Wednesday (Mar. 4). With his new 87 OVR, Trezeguet has a 92 Dribbling, 89 Pace, 86 Shooting, 80 Passing, and 75 Physical skill ratings.

Not pictured on the card graphics below are other top skill ratings. They include 90 Stamina, 90 Agility, 90 Ball Control, and 90 Sprint Speed. Salah also has a five-star Weak Foot and four-star Skills. See more details about the specific ratings on the FUTHEAD website.

As far as using this card, it could provide a nice link on one’s FIFA Ultimate Team to star footballer Mohammed Salah. However, many gamers feel it might be too pricy to make it worth going after. The FUTBIN website lists Average prices of over 200,000 Coins for both PS4 and Xbox users to acquire the item. They also suggest via community votes that the best Chemistry styles to use with Trezeguet are Hunter, Hawk, or Deadeye.

Trezeguet SBC requirements in FUT

To acquire the FIFA 20 Player Moments SBC item for Mahmoud Trezeguet will require building several squads. Head into Ultimate Team and scroll to “Squads.” Choose Squad Building Challenges and then scroll over to the left to Trezeguet on the options shown for “All.”

fifa 20 sbc requirements for trezeguet item

The squad building challenge has two squads with different requirements. We’ve got them outlined here along with the rewards that come with them.

Premier League squad – Minimum of one Premier League Player, Minimum 85 overall Team Rating, Minimum Team Chemistry of 75. (Reward: Prime Mixed Players Pack)

86-Rated Squad – Minimum 86 overall Team Rating, Minimum Team Chemistry of 70. (Reward: Rare Electrum Players Pack)

Upon completion of both of the above squads, gamers will get an untradeable Trezeguet Player Moments SBC card. In addition, those two packs could randomly bring something decent in terms of a roster addition or Transfer Market sale.

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