How to Unlock Anthem Legendary Contracts

Even though it’s only a few days after the launch of Anthem, players are gearing up for the endgame progression. Part of this is finding out about theĀ Anthem Legendary Contracts. This is but one of the several endgame activities you can do in the game. But in order to actually do it, you will need to unlock this particular activity.

Thankfully, that’s where we come in. In this guide for Anthem, we are going to let you know how to unlock Anthem Legendary Contracts. These contracts already exist in the main game but the Legendary variant is much more lucrative for players. Without further ado, here’s everything you need to know in order to unlock this endgame activity in Anthem.

How to Unlock Anthem Legendary Contracts

Anthem Legendary Contracts

First and foremost, there are some requirements that you must meet before you can take on Legendary Contracts in Anthem. For one, this is definitely endgame content so you must, of course, beat the main story in the game. In addition, you must be the current max level of 30 in order to actually unlock these special types of contracts.

Once you have done those two things, you are ready to unlock the Anthem Legendary Contracts. For those who don’t know, contracts revolve around three main factions. You have to individually unlock Legendary Contracts for all three of them. To do so, you must complete all of the quests and story that each faction has to offer.

Then you must do one repeatable contract for them. This will unlock the Anthem Legendary Contracts for that faction. Then you’ll have to do it all over again for the other two. You can do up to three per day that will reward some awesome gear like the Masterwork gear. For more on Anthem, be sure to check out the future of the game.