With the launch of the Operation Underground map, the Battlefield 5 Battlefest event has officially begun. This month-long event features several weekly challenges and unique rewards, spanning the time between Chapters 4 and 5 of Tides of War. The first weekly challenge is “Tunnel Vision,” and offers players the chance to unlock the new Madsen MG. “The Danish-made Madsen was introduced in 1902,” explains DICE; “It was the first light machine gun in wide use. Like the Bren it had a top-mounted magazine, and were the standard LMG issued by the Norwegian army.”

Battlefield 5 Battlefest Week #1: Tunnel Vision
As the weekly challenge title indicates, you’ll be playing on the Operation Underground map. More specifically, the objective nodes you need to complete for the challenge matchmake to either Conquest or Breakthrough on the Operation Underground map. These nodes are as follows:
- Visions of the End; A very simple starter, all you need to do is play 1 round of any game mode on the Operation Underground map.
- What One Can Do; For this optional objective, you need to either resupply or heal your teammates for a total of 3,500 score in a single round.
- Fuel the Flames; To complete the next node, you need to earn a total of 2,000 score by healing, resupplying, or reviving teammates.
- Get Up and Get Going; For this optional node, you must revive 8 teammates without dying yourself.
- Damage Dealer; For this node, you need to inflict 3,500 damage through any means.
- Reverberate; This optional objective requires you to deal 1,000 damage without dying.

- A Line in the Sand; Another optional objective, for this you’ll need to capture a total of 5 objectives.
- Reaper; A simple objective, you only need to kill 10 enemies to complete Reaper.
- Up to the Task; For this optional objective, you need to complete 2 squad orders without dying.
- Like Rats in a Maze; The final necessary objective node, for this node you need to earn a total of 20,000 score on the Operation Underground map.
- Big Little Gun; This final optional objective can only be completed after you’ve unlocked the Madsen MG. It requires you to either suppress or kill a total of 40 enemies with the new LMG.