Overall, there are far more options available to infantry in Battlefield 5. These range from cosmetic options, alternate outfits, weapon progression and sights, and plenty more. However, despite this, players will no doubt learn quickly that vehicles are just as important as ever in the game. A good tank driver or pilot in the right place at the right time can make a real difference to the course of a battle. Here’s everything you need to get started with the Battlefield 5 vehicles system.
How to Unlock and Specialise Battlefield 5 Vehicles
At present, only Progression options are available for the different Battlefield 5 vehicles. Actual cosmetic customisation is reportedly coming to the game in the first chapter of Tides of War. This will release on the 4th of December, in a couple of weeks’ time. While you may not be able to customise your vehicles as much as you can customise other areas, the options you can acquire on the Progression tree more than make up for the discrepancy.
Every one of the Battlefield 5 vehicles has its own specialism in one way or another. The progression bonuses you can gain range from special anti-tank mines, armour-piercing rounds, and plenty more. Fortunately, if you don’t like how a certain levelling setup works for you, you can freely change to other options between matches. Having a set of custom vehicles ready to go at a moment’s notice in your Company ensures that your vehicles are the ones which you have the opportunity to use in-game.
Overall, there are 14 land vehicles featuring at launch in Battlefield 5. There are also ten forms of aircraft. It’s unknown whether DICE has any specific plans to add more, but it certainly seems likely. The first chapter of Tides of War, launching on the 4th of December, and will be bringing a new map called Panzerstorm among other things. No upcoming weapons or vehicles have been explicitly mentioned as of this.