Among the various new additions which recently came to both Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Call of Duty: Warzone as part of Season 5 Reloaded, the FiNN LMG is one of the only things which needs to be unlocked. This highly-accurate new LMG boasts exceptional recoil control. As a result, it’s well worth unlocking so that you can add it to your in-game arsenal.
How to Unlock the Modern Warfare FiNN LMG
Like other new weapons which have been added as seasonal content, such as the Dual Kodachis, unlocking the Modern Warfare FiNN LMG requires players to complete a challenge. Typically, this challenge itself isn’t too difficult, but often requires repetition; players must complete the specific challenge task a certain number of times. In the case of the FiNN, players must simply score a single Melee Kill while using an LMG. However, to actually complete the challenge, they have to do this in 7 different matches.

As per usual, there is one other way to gain access to the FiNN LMG, albeit in a limited fashion. The new ‘Mainframe’ bundle in the in-game store includes the Legendary Firewall blueprint for the Light Machine Gun Golf; a specific FiNN LMG with preset attachments. Purchasing the bundle gives you access to the Firewall, allowing you to try out the FiNN without completing the challenge. However, note that to customise the gun and unlock its Camo Challenges, you’ll still need to unlock it properly.
Fortunately for players, the required challenge to unlock the FiNN isn’t as difficult as some previous challenges have been. To unlock the Dual Kodachis – another new Season 5 weapon – players have to score 3 kills from behind in 15 different matches! Scoring 7 Melee Kills with an LMG should be a relatively easier task to accomplish. Once you’ve completed it, you’ll have full access to the FiNN LMG. To read more about what to expect from this formidable new weapon, click here.